Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting
23-25 October 2025

YES, I would like to participate in the congress of the PAAM 2025 in Palma de Mallorca.

We need the information below to book your congress trip and communicate with you about it.

The data you fill in below is the basis on which we will have to create and declare your tax form in 2026.






** Ryanair from Charleroi airport, direct flight only on these dates **

Departure: Flight on 22/10 21:10-23.30 Palma de Mallorca

Return: Flight on 25/10 17:25-19:55 Charleroi

Terms and conditions

ALK conforms to the guidelines set by the Code of Deontology. This implies that ALK

  • Will sponsor the hospitality costs (incl. travel, hotel stay, group dinner and congress registration fee),
  • Will send you a tax receipt mentioning the amount incurred by ALK. Amount: approx. 2.000€ per person.
  • Will complete transparency reporting and communicate the costs incurred to ‘’ as required by law.
  • Will arrange the Mdeon visum.
  • Expects the attendee to travel on the confirmed dates and from the confirmed departure location. Deviations in dates and departure location are not possible.
  • Expects the attendee to use the hotel and accommodation options reserved by ALK.
  • Does not allow partner participation during any moment in the program.
  • Does not allow partners to use the facilities provided by ALK during the program.
  • Will not pay or settle costs if the terms and conditions are not met.

When registering, ALK

  • Will not charge cancellation costs if travel cannot go ahead due to restrictions from the Spanish / Belgian / Luxembourg government.
  • Will not offer travel and/or cancellation insurance. Each attendee is responsible for arranging their own insurance.
  • Will delete at the end of this congress, the personal data I have agreed to share.

De gebruikte referenties vindt u hier.

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Schrijf je in voor de ALK nieuwsbrief om op de hoogte te blijven van onder andere nascholingen, nieuws, producten en andere allergie-gerelateerde informatie.

Allergie Kenniscentrum

In het allergie kenniscentrum vind je verschillende congressen en nascholingen. Daarnaast kun je diverse materialen aanvragen voor jou als arts en voor je patiënt.

Onze oplossingen

Als wereldwijd marktleider op het gebied van allergeen immunotherapie hebben wij behandelingen in verschillende vormen voor de meest voorkomende inhalatieallergieën.

Deze website is speciaal voor zorgprofessionals!

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