Legal disclaimer

This legal disclaimer shall apply to any and all access to the site and to all use of the site and its content.

Welcome to the ALK website. The aim of the ALK website is to give you an introduction to ALK. As such the website and its content is available solely for informational purposes. This legal disclaimer, as amended from time to time, shall apply to your access to and use of the website and its content.

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The website does not provide you with advice or recommendation of any kind and you should not rely upon this website as the basis for any decision or action. You are advised to consult a professional advisor in the relevant field with respect to the applicability of any specific aspect of the contents.

The site provides selected information about allergy and related diseases and their treatment. Such information is not intended as and may not be relied upon as or substitute medical advice.

If you have or think you have any health problems, you should consult your general health practitioner or other qualified health care provider.

Information provided on an « as is »-basis
While ALK is making great efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information, the information and any forward-looking statements on this website are provided on an « as is » and “as available” basis and ALK makes no representations or warranties either expressed or implied, including – but not limited to – implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose.

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This website may contain links to websites operated by other parties than ALK. ALK has no responsibility or control over the content or operation of such websites and shall not be liable for any damages or injuries arising from that content or its operation. Such links do not imply ALK’s endorsement of material on any other website.

ALK provides links to other websites as a convenience to users, and access to and use of any other websites than this website is at your own risk.

ALK reserves its right to alter, modify, substitute or delete any content of this website as well as restrict access to or discontinue distribution of this website at any time, at its sole discretion and without notice.

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By entering this website you acknowledge and agree that the content of this website is the property of ALK and is protected by copyright laws. Further, you acknowledge and agree that the trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and products displayed on this website are protected worldwide, and no use of any of these may be made without the prior written consent of ALK.

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Use of feedback
Any questions, comments, suggestions or any other communications, including ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or know-how you may forward to this website or otherwise to ALK, electronically or by any other means, are on a non-confidential basis and will become the property of ALK, which ALK without restriction may use in any fashion and for any purposes whatsoever including developing, manufacturing and/or marketing goods or services.

If any provision of this legal disclaimer is held to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, such provision(s) shall be severable without affecting the enforceability of all remaining provisions.

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Your access and use of this website and the contents hereof shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Denmark disregarding its rules on choice of law, and you agree that the proper and exclusive venue for the settlement of any dispute arising out of or in relation to this disclaimershall be the Danish courts.


Les références utilisées peuvent être trouvées ici

Nos solutions

En tant que leader mondial de l’immunothérapie allergénique, nous proposons des traitements sous diverses formes pour les allergies respiratoires les plus courantes.

Les allergies en pratique

Vous trouverez nos différentes options de traitements ainsi que des protocoles et directives internationales dans la prise en charge des allergies

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